Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether Assalamualaikum and Good Night, Last week Bonde is excited to be joining Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether this year just like last year at the same place, this time Kanda is in the running. This activity can keep your body feeling fresh and healthy ... near the bottom Bonde shared the activity throughout the day.
Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether
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Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether |
SPIRIT OF WIPRO RUN is back and it was bigger than ever! Today marks the 9 th year anniversary for the Spirit of Wipro Run. On an international level, it is the 14 th year anniversary of this momentous occasion. Runners kick started their day being out Sunday morning and rejoiced as theweather was clear. They enjoyed fun activities and a yummy breakfast. This year the Wipro team came up with the theme of going ‘#FurtherTogether’ – to face the challenges before us in unity andadversity.
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Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether |
The run started all the way back in July 2006 in the efforts of bringing the community together and to give back to those who have shown support for Wipro in their years of being in service. Their main goal is to give contributions back to the society through 3 charity categories which are Community,
Education, and Ecology. The SPIRIT OF WIPRO RUN has become one of the largest global employee events in the world. It is available in 110 cities across 34 countries including New Jersey,Portland, Sydney, and many more.
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Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether |
“The SPIRIT OF WIPRO RUN has always been about giving back to the communities we work and live in. We aim to connect the Spirit of Wipro with our community and share our corporate mission of creating a just, equitable, humane and sustainable world,” said Mr Kumar Chander, Regional Director, South East Asia & Middle East in his energetic speech.
SPIRIT OF WIPRO RUN had categories for all ages. Competitive runners aged 12 years and above were challenged in the following categories: Men Open 8km Category and Women Open 8km Category. The top 3 winners of the 3km & 8km run were awarded with medals and hampers filled with awesome goodies. Participants in the 8km run also get their very own finisher medal at the finish line.
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Sprit Of Wipro Run 2019 #FurtherTogether |
Parents, kids, and senior citizens joined in on the 3km Family Fun Run at SPIRIT OF WIPRO RUN. The Family Fun Run was only 3KM long and it was perfect for families to sightsee the beautiful green scenery in Padang Semarak. The other activities also immersed runners in the game booths that gave many attractive prizes! There were also plenty of water activities that cooled off the runners fromthe heat. Kids got to unleash their creative side by joining the mask painting competition. Patrons also enjoyed the candy floss, popcorn, ice cream, and left the event with smiles on their faces and their hearts filled with warmth.
For more details visit our website: www.wipro-unza.com

~ Bonde Senyum Riang ~
10 Ulasan
wah, rajinnya bonda join..nampak menarik..nanti nak join jugaklah
BalasPadamteringin nak join run tapi masih tak tercapai..tak tau la bila..huhu
BalasPadamBestnya joij run run ni.. Sebwlum ni pernah join..sekali je la.. Rasa nak join lagi.. Seronok tgk mcm ni
BalasPadamWah bonde masuk run juga ke. Syoknya dpt join kn.. Sini xde la aktiviti cmni..kurang nmpak..
BalasPadamTahniah berjaya sampai ke finisher line. Lawa bajuu dia. CR pun suka aktiviti macam ni. Tiap2 bulan wajib ade larian. Hehe
BalasPadamSeronoknya bonde dpt join fun run Wipro ni. Rasa tercabar pla kita yg dekat ni x join. Next time nk register juga lah
BalasPadamInteresting... 🏅 Medal takde ke? Hehehe...suka tgk medal je selalu..hahaha
BalasPadamKak Sue teringin nak join run macam nie tapi belum ada kesempatan. Hari satu hari nanti dapat lah join..
BalasPadamwa.. berjaya.. hobi baru bonde ke ni
BalasPadamBest kan bonde join funrun ni...Marsha dah addicted dah...hihi
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~Awak sportinglah....terima kasih sudi tinggalkan komen dibawah.
~Sila tinggalkan link untuk Bonde balas kunjungan...
Terima kasih.