Assalamualaikum and hai all reader, information for those who want to buy a house below have information for you to make a reference.
Are you
financially ready to buy a property in Malaysia
It is time for you to step into adulthood.
There are many houses available for sale, such as houses for sale in Puchong. But buying a house in the in Malaysia is too expensive and you cannot
afford it yet because it is way out of your budget, especially
for millennials. At the same time, you are swarmed with the negative comments by people
around you telling you various horror stories that you can ever imagine, e.g.:
the debts that you got yourself into after getting your first property in
Malaysia, the tedious procedure of buying a house in Malaysia and the commitments you get yourself into when you start
buying a property in Malaysia and you are left with not enough money for
yourself after paying for mortgage loan.
All these horror stories however, did not stop millennials
nowadays from buying their very first property in Malaysia. Millennials should
ask themselves a few questions before making a major decision of buying their
very first own property in Malaysia. "Over even planning to build your own house later ini life."
1. How much can I afford?
It is advisable to have an expenditure
breakfown before deciding on buying a property. It is recommended by most
financial experts that you must not allocate more than one-third of your income
to pay for the housing loan. If you think you can spend an amount of RM500,000 in
buying a condominium in Damansara North, having enough money to pay for your
home loan and it would not cause any financial problem to you, then you can
proceed to the next step.
After your expenditure breakdown, it is
time to be realistic and ask yourself this question: How
much can I afford to buy a property? Have a look at your income and set a budget. Know how much you can
afford monthly when it comes to paying bank loan, not forgetting the upfront
payment that you need to deal with when you purchase a property. Most financial
institutions will look at your debt service ratio (DSR) before they decide on
the loan amount that you get. The DSR is an indication of how much you can
afford for your loan that you are applying after paying for personal loan, auto
loan or home loans. In order to be qualified for a loan, your DSR should not
exceed 60%, inclusive of repayments of loan that you are applying for.
Let us imagine a scenario:
Montly income
Car loan installment per month
Personal loan instalment per month
Property price
Loan amount after 10% down payment
Loan tenure
30 years
Interest rate per annum
Home loan instalment per month
Based on the table above, we will be able
to calculate the DSR.
Total commitment per month = RM1,100 / RM2,240
Debt commitment per month = (RM3,340 / RM4,500) x 100%
That being said, the maximum loan amount
that you are able to secure will be RM 325,000 and you are only able to afford
properties that costs below RM360,000.
The total upfront payment
Normally, down payment would be a 10% of
your property’s price, but still, depending mainly on how much the bank is
willing to loan you. That being said, if the bank if proving a loan of 90%, you
will need to pay 10% of the down payment. If the bank is providing lesser loan,
say 80% loan, you will then need to pay a 20% downpayment. Not forgeting other
upfront payments that you will need to bear after paying for the down payment.
It is said that approximately 75% of
people who plan to buy a property have not even saved enough amount for the
downpayment itself. Whereas 68% of the millennials that bought their first
property in the past two years have overspent their budget. It is said that
most of them have overspent on legal fees, renovation costs, buying furniture
and other miscellaneous fees such as processing fees, legal fees, stamp duty and
home insurance that are unavoidable. That being said, there is only
approximately 15% of them have a precise budget in their minds when it comes to
How can I increase my eligibility?
The easiest and most straightforward answer to this question is to
increase your monthly income. Let us say your salary has been raised from
RM4,500 to RM5,500, your DSR will then increase to a 74%, making it much
possible to obtain a RM450,000 loan.
However, millennials would think getting a raise is not easy therefore
being aligible to afford a house is hard. That is not always the case.
Millennials could plan out their finances, set a budget and stick to it in
order to achieve their goals. Having a budget and sticking to it is important
as it prevents you from overspending on unnessecary things. It also prevents
you from falling into a financial debt. Before you buy your first home, you
should definitely reduce your credit facilities so your DSR would look good
when you apply for a home loan, increasing your chances of securing one.
In conclusion, millennials nowadays should do their research and start
planning ahead before buying a property. Most importantly, they should
definitely set a practical budget and stick to it to prevent getting themselves
into a financial debt in the future.

~ Bonde Senyum Riang ~
20 Ulasan
Good sharing Bonda..
BalasPadamSetuju dengan point2 tu. Banyak kena take into consideration before decide nak beli property especially total commitment per month tu.
BalasPadamwalau gaji kami laki bini layan utk rumah harga mcm tu, tp kami ada komitment lain. So, masih ddk di rumah yg kecil je. Walau kecil tp ruah sendiri. Rasa ok juga
BalasPadambetul tu bonda..make sure kita pya kredit facilities tu takde yang pending ke..payment pun cantik..barulah boleh apply loan kan..rumah ni bukan ssh sgt nak beli..janji background financial ok..semua ok
BalasPadamya betul calculation yg puan share kan nih.
BalasPadamanyway trimas kerana berkongsi ilmu
Dalam pemebelian property ni memang kena fikir panjang dan buat kajian betul-betul dulu sebelum membeli kan, fuh.. sebab kalau tersilap cara maunya menanggung hutang yang tidak ikut kemampuan pulak nanti.. parah..huhu
BalasPadamSharing yang bagus sangat bonda. Nak nak lagi untuk orang muda muda yang baru nak beli property ni. Kena ada ilmu kalau tak nak rugi dalam membeli property
BalasPadamI work for years only recently afford to buy my own house. Still waiting for house to complete next year. Seriously , its not easy to own property.
BalasPadamBeli property good aset. Memang dari segi financial kena sangat di timbang betul-betul. Property satu investment jangka masa panjang, dan bulanan kena bebetul kukuh dan mampu. Good tips Bonde 👍
BalasPadamEna da beli rumah second. Hehe. Memang semua belajar sendiri. Procedure banyak,lagi2 komitment gaji kena cek.nampak best nak beli rumah. Tapi kena bijak merancang. Nanti planning nak beli rumah baru untuk standby pencen je. Senangla nak refer entry ni. Sgt membantu.
BalasPadamBanyan perkara yang perlu kita amik berat sebelum amik keputusan membeli. Aptah lagi melibatkan property yang harga dia sedia maklum mmg besar bajetnya
BalasPadamBila masuk bab property kena pandai plan. Tak boleh nak ikut trend kawan-kawan. Lagipula masing-masing komitmen berbeza. Bank pula mana tengok cashflow yang tak bertulis mcm belanja makan, duit minyak apa semua. Kita sendiri kena buat financial planning.
BalasPadamBanyak kena buat sebelum nk beli hartanah nie. Sbb nya x semua layak miliki rumah. Baguslah info nie ya kak zaida. Boleh jadikan rujukan utk mereka yg nk beli rumah nanti
BalasPadamBagus lah sharing ni bonde kita pun sebelum ni ada isu macam ni juga tak boleh lepas nak buat loan banyak bank untuk beli rumah sebab banyak komitmen lain tapi bila tengok sini baru tahu ok nice.... Thanks share..
BalasPadambetul, kalau nak beli rumah jangan ade hutang mana-mana..bukan sennag ya nak beli rumah kan..tapi cara macam ni la bantu kita selesaikan untuk byr rumah semua
BalasPadamDari tahun ke tahun, harga rumah makin mahal sebenarnya. Tapi kita nak beli pun, tak mampu lagi sebab financial belum stable. Teringin sangat nak ada rumah sendiri sebenarnya.
BalasPadamNot ready yet! Yes, memang banyak aspek nak kena pertimbangkan sebelum beli property. Dari segi income and commitment nak kena betul-betul stabil. Sebab taknak la terlalu terpaksa ikat perut hanya sebab nak ada property. A lot of planning and managing the cashflow need to be done! :)
BalasPadamI don't even have life savings...I am trying to slowly build this up so that I can have savings enough for the house and even a wedding if God wills it. There's way too much things need to be paid these days.
BalasPadamSaya income tak seberapa takut nak beli rumah takut tak tertanggung
BalasPadamJemput blogwalking ke blog saya :)
Does the lock in period also apply to MM2H applicants?
Saya adalah pemilik blog secara khusus tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap apa juga liabiliti, kerosakan, kehilangan, kerugian atas risiko, peribadi mahu pun sebaliknya yang berlaku akibat, secara langsung atau tidak langsung daripada penggunaan dan aplikasi, daripada apa juga kandungan yang diperolehi dari blog ini.
Pemilik blog juga tidak akan bertanggungjawab sama sekali terhadap komen-komen yang di siarkan dan ianya adalah tanggungjawab penulis komen itu sendiri.
Segala artikel yang dihasilkan oleh pemilik blog ini hanya sekadar pendapat peribadi yang mahu dikongsi bersama para pembaca blog ini serta untuk koleksi rujukan buat pemilik blog untuk kegunaan pada masa hadapan.
~Awak sportinglah....terima kasih sudi tinggalkan komen dibawah.
~Sila tinggalkan link untuk Bonde balas kunjungan...
Terima kasih.