Assalamualaikum and Good Morning!
Fun it feels on Saturday past Bonde to run program held by Wipro.Morning again dah spirit get up and drive to Putrajaya to

PUTRAJAYA: Today marks the 13th year anniversary for the Spirit of Wipro Run, which started in July 2006 and has since been a global annual effort. Every year, the Wipro employees and extended community around the world participate in the Spirit of Wipro Run as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility initiative.
“Spirit of WIPRO Run” has been a successful platform in bringing together employees, families, and customers with a single goal in mind that is to contribute back to the society through 3 charity categories which are Community, Education and Ecology. Funds collected from the annual run are topped up dollar to dollar by Wipro and it goes out to helping the local community where Wipro operates in around the world.
“The Spirit of Wipro Run supports a greater cause – that of giving back to the communities we work and live in. In doing so, we connect the Spirit of Wipro with our larger corporate mission of creating a just, equitable, humane and sustainable world. Themed ‘We Before Me’, this year’s run is to encourage unity and the spirit of working together,” said Mr Kumar Chander, Regional Director, South East Asia & Middle East in his speech.
The Malaysian chapter of the ‘Spirit of Wipro Run’ run which is held concurrently around the world where Wipro has its footprint took place at federal administrative centre, Putrajaya and on the grounds of the largest constructed freshwater wetlands in the tropics. Padang Semarak with its beautiful and inviting serene greenery was the perfect setting for day of outdoor fun for the event.

The carnival like atmosphere with games booth, candy floss, popcorn, ice cream, food trucks and inflatable bouncing castles created further excitement not just for the children but for adults alike. Also present at the event to cheer the runners on was the adorable pink elephant mascot, Carrie Junior and his buddy Tommy the tortoise. Starting with a 15-minutes Zumba warm up, the participants were then flagged off for the run that they have been waiting eagerly for.
Fun was the order of the day as WIPRO took the event to a greater level this year by infusing Colour and Obstacles into the average run. Albeit the challenge to overcome the obstacles and to endure being sprayed with colour, the participants took it all in good stride which is a clear demonstration of the Spirit of Wipro. Besides the run, participants also got to partake in other competitions namely the ‘Walk-a-hunt’, Flower Arrangement and Cupcake decoration.
The three categories available for the Spirit of Wipro Run were the 8km Men Open Category, 8km Women Open Category and a 3km Family Fun Run. The top 3 runners for each of the category received prizes for their efforts. No one went home empty handed as all participants received their goodies bag upon completion of the run.

~ Bonde Senyum Riang ~
10 Ulasan
Seronoknya bonde. have fun kan join this acitivity
BalasPadamWah comel je Bonda. Kak Sue teringin la join aktiviti macam nie, macam best ja kan..
BalasPadamMeriahnya...teringin nk join run juga.
BalasPadamsalam singgah. best nya program macam ni. meriah ngan peserta. aktiviti pun ada banyak jenis ^_^
BalasPadamMeriahnya event fun run tu. Banyak aktiviti juga.kalau dekat nk juga join.
BalasPadamMeriahnyaaa event fun run ni ;)
BalasPadambestnya event ni.. meriah pulak tu
wah seronok..meriah event..macam2 ada....
BalasPadamWow! Aida suka program ni.
BalasPadamAda food truck plak tu hi hi...
Kesihatan is very important.
Program gini memang patot diadakan selalu.
Aida 2 kali hampir nak join fun run.
BalasPadamTak dpt.
Ada konitmen lain last minutes.
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~Awak sportinglah....terima kasih sudi tinggalkan komen dibawah.
~Sila tinggalkan link untuk Bonde balas kunjungan...
Terima kasih.